This is an usual version of mf2t/t2mf (midi file to text / text to midi file). The sourcecode was a bit modified to compile properly with modern gcc and gcc on mingw. Fixes include mostly static functions move-around, a bit changed looping through midi tag contents (to not relly on substraction from left to read indicator, instead using standalone variable decrementation while loop, for some reason the original functionality just doesn't want to work right errorring on first message after track), proper inclusion of additional gcc .h files, errno stuff workaround and BINARY reading workaround. Tested on normal mid file, mid file with comment and mid file with SYSEX, however, errors may occur. Builds: - x86 (windows & linux), - x64 (windows & linux), - armv7 (linux). All builds use Linker-time optimisations with Linker Plugin. I will maybe add some additional functionality when I have enough time . . . ~~~~ Mr_KrzYch00