------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KrzYdefC v1.00 by Mr_KrzYch00 Usage: krzydefc [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE --gzip output to gzip format --gzipname output to gzip format with filename --zip output to zip format (default) --zlib output to zlib format --png# output to PNG, # is original PNG file for header The program accepts following file types as input: GZ, ZIP, ZLIB, PNG. Deflate stream is copied without recompression. When outputting to PNG, original PNG file is required for correct header, example: krzydefc --pngoriginalimage.png optimizedimage.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supported Input container: GZ, ZIP, ZLIB, PNG Supported Output container: GZ, ZIP, ZLIB, PNG Allows You to convert one input containing deflate stream to the other. Outputting to PNG requires original PNG file to be passed for correct header to be copied over. Automatically detects input file format basing on its header. Deflate stream is copied. Extracted in memory only when the target format requires different checksum to be calculated and it was not present in the source file. Example usage: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i:\msys64\home\Mr_KrzYch00\zopfli\b>krzydefc --gzipname fmban.png KrzYdefC v1.02 by Mr_KrzYch00 fmban.png - SUCCESS. Saved as: fmban.png.gz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i:\msys64\home\Mr_KrzYch00\zopfli\b>krzydefc --pngfmban.png fmban.gz KrzYdefC v1.02 by Mr_KrzYch00 fmban.gz - SUCCESS. Saved as: fmban.gz.png. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limitations: - Only first file found in ZIP archive is converted, - Animated PNGs are not supported, - Files >2GB may be not correctly converted. Changelog: v1.03 - Added detection for APNG tags - issue warning message then, - Fix adler being incorrectly written to PNG files. v1.02 - Improved error messages, - Use green font for success and red for error, - Fix PNG input reading bug, - Fix memory leaks. v1.01 - Add support for multiple IDAT chunks in source PNG. - Fix random crash. v1.00 - Initial release.